Monday, March 3, 2014

Mistakes to avoid...

You’ve heard it before but believe it; once the party is over, the band has packed the van, the flowers are in serious wilt and your mind is a warm humming buzz, before you hit the pillow you will say, “I can’t wait to see the pictures”. You will say this. You will repeat this mantra for weeks. You might be a little nervous because you left the wedding photos in the hands of family and friends. But, you should be covered, you think, after all there were disposable cameras on all the tables, and cousin Ted has an SLR camera and has taken some beautiful vacation pictures. Plus your bridesmaid said her new boyfriend takes really good pictures and is offering his services for free so he can get some portfolio material! What a deal! What a savings! What a disaster. The thing with weddings is that there are no do-overs. Very likely, it will be the only time that a couple will hire event professionals in their lifetime. If you truly want things to go smoothly and have a wonderful memorable event, you need to hire proven professionals. Would you leave the cake to your bridesmaids boyfriend because he is eager and willing and has the ingredients? Nope. But surprisingly, many brides are willing to take a chance with their photography. The number one regret of brides is that they wished they hired a better photographer.

In wedding photography, you generally get what you pay for. The less you spend, the more disappointment you risk. “Cheap” doesn’t necessarily mean good, and “good” doesn’t mean cheap! An amateur can show you a few good images, but can they do that day in and day out? Do they have the experience to deliver high quality images on a consistent basis? Probably not, or else – they would be running a real business. When you hire a Pro – they are indeed putting their reputation and their livelihood on the line. You have trust, you have references, and you have a proven track record. A friend, family member or craigslist person who happens to be a photography hobbyist will have much different results than a dedicated wedding professional. When the wedding is over, all you have are your photos. Wedding photography is not the place to cut corners! Ask yourself: ‘Am I willing to look at my wedding photos for the rest of my life and feel let down?'



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